Are you seeking a Clifton expungement/record sealing lawyer to help clear your past legal records? Look no further than Cohen & Bernstein, LLC. Our dedicated legal team specializes in expungement and record sealing services in Clifton, offering comprehensive assistance to individuals aiming to move beyond prior legal matters and secure a fresh start.
In the current COVID environment it is more important than ever to ensure a clean record. Previous charges and/or convictions can have a lifelong impact on your ability to obtain gainful employment, housing.
NJ: The legal remedy of an expungement will allow someone to remove the charge or conviction from their record permanently. By calling for a free consultation, we can further explain what crimes are/ are not eligible and how the process works in more detail. While the process can be tedious and time consuming, we have the experience to help you start new.
NY: In New York State the sealing process is similar to an expungement however, the charge or conviction is not removed; it is sealed. This means that a record of the conviction still exists but all other relevant documents are destroyed.